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EMDR - Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing 


Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR) is an effective therapeutic treatment for trauma, helping in instances where people feel "stuck" or have reoccurring obtrusive thoughts. Unprocessed emotions result in panic attacks, anxiety, depression, PTSD, emotional blockages, compulsive disorders, hoarding, loss and issues that contribute to road blocks in career and relationships. EMDR is a treatment recommended for overcoming these conditions, and is used by the US Military for trauma. This form of therapy is also effective for youth.


How it works: 

Your brain processes emotions so you don't remain stuck. If a memory or circumstance remains unprocessed, that means more processing is needed to overcome the issue(s) so you can move past it, and live life without being compromised by the experience or memory. EMDR helps to extract memories and create movement so the issues are dealt with and processed sufficiently. You still have the memory, but you are no longer impacted by it in the same way. When trauma or concerning emotions are left unprocessed, they will typically manifest in some way, regardless of your attempts to forget about the issue or move past it. For most people the issue will surface in the form of attempts to regulate your emotions. This is often the first recipe for panic attacks, compulsive behaviors, shopping disorders, social media addiction, eating disorders, sexual issues, pornography and sex addiction, which includes affairs, cutting, smoking, drug and alcohol issues, depression, sleep deprivation, health issues, etc.  The science behind this form of therapy is not complicated. You experience something that has negatively impacted you, you and your brain work to move past the issue. The issues that you can move past, you will. Those that need attention will surface in some way, needing to be processed further. 


How do we process our emotions and memories?
Talking about them with someone who responds in an empathetic and caring way is imperative, dreaming (REM Sleep), regular therapy, artistic expression, listening and playing music, dance, exercise, time, meditation, prayer and yoga are all forms of healthy living that help to process emotions. Foe traumatic experiences it takes approximately 1.5-2 years to overcome trauma adequately, so life feels more "normal". Therapy should help this process, and EMDR has been proven to facilitate change so you feel that a difference has been made more rapidly than traditional talk therapy.


What should I expect?

Six to twelve sessions are recommended for maximum results. Talk therapy is intertwined with EMDR. The most effective treatment is 1.5 to 2 hours of weekly sessions. Sessions for youth last 45 minutes to one hour. Eye movement is manipulated so REM Sleep is replicated. This activates both sides of the brain, allowing emotional processing to take place in spurts. This is controlled and manipulated by the therapist to deal with root emotions that have remained insufficiently processed. 


Are there side effects from EMDR treatment? 

yes. Most clients report being exhausted the day of treatment, but resume normal activities. It is not uncommon for crying to take place in session as memories surface and processing takes place. All clients have reported that dreams have been prolific and life like, several days after EMDR sessions have taken place. Most people feel "emotionally lighter" after processing, even after one session. 


Other issues may include minimal dizziness when session begins, tired eyes and nervousness.


What if more than 6-12 sessions are needed?

Everyone is different. Statistically adults require at least 6 sessions and after 12 sessions of EMDR with a trained professional to experience an emotional shift that will last. However, there are some instances that require less work and there are instances that require more than 12 sessions. If someone has been dealing with an issue for several years it may be necessary to extend the session work to facilitate their individual needs.


What do I need to do?

Think about what you want to deal with initially. EMDR Will take care of the rest for you. Therapy will not work effectively for those who insist on holding on to secrecy. Therapy is confidential and you should never feel judged. Be prepared to share your concerns and start your journey in healing your emotions!


Packages and Gift Certificates are available at Edyn Therapy through the Holiday Season. EMDR Is truly a gift that will give back to you and your family.




45 mins to 1 hour sessions (depending on individual attention span); 4 session starter package $400 (A savings of $100)



2-hour session, 6 session starter package $1000 (A savings of $200) BEST VALUE​​












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